Arf Arf


Musicccccc! I am almost always listening to music. I've listened to music via various methods over the years. I started with tape/radio/CDs when I was a kid. Then moved mostly to radio/CDs. Started using Pandora as that became more popular. Same with Spotify. Eventually ended up not having any sort of CD Player and/or entertainment system, so Spotify and SoundCloud became my go-tos. Also used YouTube to make playlists for those times I only listen that way.

Watching Spotify start to lock more and more features behind a paywall (in addition to adding "AI" stuff), I ended up axing my account earlier this year. Decided sticking to YT playlists and ripping my CDs to create an offline library would just be easier. Hopefully I can go to an offline library for 95% of my listening, while still sampling new stuff to see if I like it enough to go digital download/CD/vinyl and add to my collection. Why must companies turn to caring more about profit vs. a good user experience? :(

I don't have a "favorite" artist or even genre tbh. Just whatever sounds good to me lol.

Last song I listened to was: Johnny Silverhand's Theme from Cyberpunk 2077